Keyword: Differential item functioning
Effects of gender norms on intelligence tests: Evidence from ASIS
Deniz Arslan, Ömer Faruk Tamul, Murat Doğan Şahin, Ugur Sak
Journal of Pedagogical Research, Volume 7, Issue 5, pp. 374-384
Differential item functioning analysis of a high stake test in terms of statistical regions of Turkey
Yeşim Özer Özkan, Meltem Acar Güvendir
Journal of Pedagogical Research, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp. 122-134
Determination of differantial item functioning (DIF) according to SIBTEST, Lord’s χ2 , Raju’s area measurement and Breslow-Day methods
Fatma Gökçen Ayva-Yörü, Hakan Yavuz Atar
Journal of Pedagogical Research, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 139-150